terça-feira, 15 de abril de 2014

...that's the only one that seems to matter.

Yes, I can talk to you like that.
I am your baby.
You took me in when I was feeling cold and alone.
You sheltered and protected and fed me with your love.
And that's how I answer when you ask me something
I don't wanna say anything but "Because!"
For I need no reason to be here,
your heart is my home your eyes are my world.
I don't care about financial markets
John Maynard Keynes
Baillouts and eurocrisis
I care about other things (you you you)
hermeneutics, semiotics, poetry,
And so I disagree just "Because!"

*I don't mean to say I don't care about stuff you study and I don't want to talk about it anymore, this was just poetic license. I just mean to sound cute, in some way. Maybe to provoke you and mess with you because you know I do that I don't know why*
-I can't say anything.
-I am so in love with you, the only thing I can do for now is to stare at you in awe.

Amongst so many other things

Sometimes I get sad
Because you're not here.
Sometimes I get sad
Because you're too good for me,
and I'm afraid I'm not good enough
for you. And you don't get
my deep inherent unavoidable sadnesses.
Sometimes I wonder
if you'll ever get it.
Then I know you don't need to.
(I don't want you to)
Even if sometimes I'm sad -
mostly I'm not (not anymore),
because I am with you.

quinta-feira, 10 de abril de 2014

fitter, happier (?)

Not fit, happier, still unproductive
Still drinking too much
No exercise at all
Would get better with my associate employee contemporaries (if I had a a job)
at ease
eating well (too much too well)

à Brasília

Quis escrever um romance
pra ter onde despejar os pedacinhos
do meu brokenheart.
E denunciar os maus tratos dessa gente mesquinha
que não ama e respeita
e só quer colecionar.

Mas um romance exige muito esforço,
pra ressuscitar gente que eu quero enterrar.

Então já que não há remédio,
convoco os poucos amigos que ainda me restam
para uma reunião no bar.

Amarga cerveja amargo cigarro
tão doces em meu paladar!
Que já provou de tantas línguas ferinas,
e so quer descansar.

E se me vierem com mais abuso,
digo que hoje não dá.
Em meu suave Recanto só chega
quem for me afagar.

Ó Deusa, um churrasquinho completo
pra acalmar este estômago inquieto
ruminante de amargura.

Que o álcool expurgue o que está indigesto!
Sejamos amigos eternos,
porquanto conseguimos nos enganar.
Ocultando diversos amantes secretos
que acabamos por partilhar.

E a farsa fina segue sua trama,
pois que ninguém há de se responsabilizar!
"Somos todos adultos, minha cara,
então pare de choramingar.

No palco solitário de tua tragédia,
não tens com quem contracenar.
Ao fim do dia, lembro-te: és brasiliense.
Dê-nos um sorriso amarelo,
e se junte à essa mesa de bar!"